Saturday, October 8, 2016

Fish in a Tree Book Review

Fish in a Tree
By Liza M.
If you have recently glanced at the BOB list lately, you would have noticed a book by the name of Fish in a Tree. It is one of the best, and, one of  the most inspiring books you will ever read! To find out a little more, keep reading! This is a book review!
The book “Fish in a Tree” is a book all about a girl who can’t read. She goes to the principal's office a lot because she refuses to read in class. She gets made fun of because of this. Although no one knows she can’t read,  she is great at art and math. She gets assigned a different teacher at the beginning of a new year. He is an amazing teacher and Ally (the girl who can’t read) really likes him. They gain each other’s trust and they soon begin to play chess and learn how to read after school. While all of this is happening, Ally has something else big going on in her life. She has two new friends! Keisha and Albert. Keisha loves to bake and Albert loves science. He has amazing quotes! One of the favorites of the quotes is “If nobody is perfect, doesn’t that mean we are all perfect?” The three of them make a great team, and together, they are able to stand up against the jerks in the school.
Everyone our news reporters have talked to give this book 5 stars and two thumbs up!
We strongly recommend that you read the “Fish in a Tree.” Savor the book, and, think about how fortunate you are to be able to read.
Have a great time reading! We hope you get to this book soon!

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