Friday, October 7, 2016

Hurricane Matthew...No Power No Problem

What do you do if the Power Goes Out?
By Liza M.
So, what do you do when the power goes out? As some of you may know, Hurricane Matthew is now stalking its prey! US! How many of you are scared about the power going out in the middle of your rainy day? It can be kind of scary if you don’t know what the heck just happened and why all the lights are out! Here are a few tips on how to make power outages fun!

1. Grab that flashlight and get those games ready! The first thing you may think of doing is about as good as it gets! Board games with the family!
2. You can light the candles and play charades with friends and family!
3. Think of 4 exercises. Grab a deck of cards. For, each suit (clubs, spades, hearts, and diamonds) assign one of the exercises. Have someone deal cards. Whatever the number is on that the specific card, you do that many of the particular exercise. Or, just exercise!
4. One of the best things to do if there is a storm is watching the storm! You can watch it out your bedroom window or your front door. You can even go outside and watch it! Just don’t get blown away!
5. If you love drawing or painting, now is the perfect time to pull out those markers and acrylics! That is the perfect thing to do if you are locked in the house! Just make sure you keep the flashlight focused!
6. If your a clean freak, now is the perfect time to get that cleaning done that you wanted to get done last month!
7. You may have siblings or friends at home during a storm. If you do, you could put on a play, or puppet show for the family/adults at your house.

That’s all for this article! Stay safe, and, have fun during Hurricane Matthew!

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