Thursday, October 6, 2016

  WordMasters  Challenge blue division
The WordMasters list is out and it’s time to start studying! The WordMasters Challenge is an analogy-problem solving competition that takes place November 21st for all fourth and fifth grade students at Ogden .You are given a list of 25 words to study with but only 20 words will be on the meet.

A few words on the fourth grade list are fragment, nick, and boundary.

Some on the fifth grade list are knoll,bustle,and pristine.

Here’s some analogy practice fun!
Craggy: Rock :: Sylvan :        a.  Shell   b.  Leaf  c.  sand  d.  Corn  e.  Water
Answer C: Adjective analogy- craggy describes rock and leaf describes sylvan

We hope you do well and good luck!

by Chip

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